Preschool is usually the first formal learning experience of a child. It is also an important milestone in a kid’s childhood. As this is a new experience, the transition might be challenging for both the child and the parents. For parents, before deciding to send your baby to a preschool in San Diego, California, here are some points to consider to make sure your kid is ready for this next step:
- Potty training.
Some preschools require that their students are already potty-trained or are already learning to be. Being potty trained is an indicator that children are already capable of taking care of themselves and following instructions.
- Concentration.
Preschool-ready kids can already pay attention during storytelling or can finish a coloring activity. They can also follow directions without getting distracted. This would mean that they can already participate well in the activities in their daycare in California.
- Emotionally-ready.
Your child should already be okay with saying goodbye to you or their caregiver. They already enjoy being in school and would not cry when you leave them there. However, it is perfectly normal when they cry during the first day of school, and it is important to be supportive during their adjusting phase.
Future Achievers Preschool offers a preschool or Pre-K program that lets the kids be comfortable in their learning environment to make the transition to school easier. Our teachers are here to guide your children in their preschool journey.